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Returns a summary data.frame containing all the metrics defined by Terryn et al. (2020). Also contains: X and Y-position, dbh, tree height, tree volume and trunk volume. When tree point clouds are provided, dbh and tree height are based on the point cloud instead of the QSM.


  version = "2.4.1",
  multiple = FALSE,
  sbr_normalisation = "treeheight",
  sbl_normalisation = "treeheight",
  sbd_normalisation = "no",
  cylindercutoff = 0,
  PCs_path = NA,
  extension = ".txt",
  buttress = FALSE,
  thresholdR2 = 0.001,
  slice_thickness = 0.06,
  thresholdbuttress = 0.001,
  maxbuttressheight = 7,
  concavity = 4,
  dtm = NA,
  r = 5,
  OUT_path = FALSE



A character with the path to the folder that contains the treeQSMs. These files have to be of the format xxx_qsm.mat (xxx is the unique tree id) or xxx_qsm_0.mat (0 at the end is for example the n-th QSM that is made for tree xxx). Multiple QSMs can be present in one QSM file, in this case set parameter multiple TRUE. When multiple QSMs are present for one tree the mean of the values of the different QSMs is taken for that tree as a final value for a certain feature.


A character indicating the version of TreeQSM that was used to produce the QSMs (Default = "2.4.1"). Other possible versions are "2.4.0", "2.0", "2.3.0", "2.3.1" and "2.3.2".


Logical (default = FALSE), indicates if a single .mat file for one tree holds multiple QSMs at once.


Character (default="treeheight"). Normalisation parameter of stem_branch_radius_qsm.


Character (default="treeheight"). Normalisation parameter of stem_branch_length_qsm.


Character (default="no"). Normalisation parameter of stem_branch_distance_qsm.


This is the cutoff radius in meters for which cylinders are to be included in the total tree volume calculation. Default of 0 includes all cylinders.


A character with the path to the folder that contains the tree point clouds. Default is NA when the point clouds are not available. The point clouds are used to determine the DBH, tree height, projected crown area and crown volume. The DBH and tree height obtained from the tree point clouds are then used for the normalisation of the other features. The point cloud files have to be of the format xxx_pc in order to link the tree point cloud to its' respective treeQSM.


A character refering to the file extension of the point cloud files (default=".txt"). Can be ".txt", ".ply" or ".las". Only relevant if the tree point clouds are available.


Logical (default=FALSE), indicates if the trees have buttresses. Only relevant if the tree point clouds are available. Only relevant if the tree point clouds are available.


Numeric value (default=0.001). Parameter of the dbh_pc function used to calculate the diameter at breast height. Only relevant if the tree point cloud is available and buttress == FALSE.


Numeric value (default = 0.06). Parameter of the dbh_pc and dab_pc functions used to calculate the diameter at breast height and above buttresses. Only relevant if the tree point cloud is available.


Numeric value (default=0.001). Parameter of the dab_pc function used to calculate the diameter above buttresses. Only relevant if the tree point clouds are available and buttress == TRUE.


Numeric value (default=7). Parameter of the dab_pc function used to calculate the diameter above buttresses. Only relevant if the tree point clouds are available and buttress == TRUE.


Numeric value (default=4) concavity for the computation of the functional diameter using a concave hull based on concaveman. This concavity value is used in the functions dbh, stem_branch_length_qsm, stem_branch_distance_qsm, dbh_height_ratio_qsm, dbh_volume_ratio_qsm, and dbh_minradius_ratio_qsm. Only relevant if the tree point cloud is available.


The digital terrain model from tree_height_pc.


Numeric value (default=5) r which determines the range taken for the dtm from tree_height_pc. Only relevant if a dtm is provided.


A character with name of the output file (including the path to the folder), where the summary csv file should be saved or logical (default=FALSE) in this case no csv file is produced.


The summary of all metrics from Terryn et al. (2020) as a data.frame. The summary is saved in a csv file if an output folder is provided. If multiple QSMs are provided for all trees the mean values and standard deviations for each tree are also calculated and saved in 2 other csv files. In this case the function returns a list of the summaries with the means and standard deviations in the second and third element of the list respectively.


Metrics Terryn et al. (2020): stem branch angle (sba, stem_branch_angle_qsm), stem branch cluster size (sbcs, stem_branch_cluster_size_qsm), stem branch radius (sbr, stem_branch_radius_qsm), stem branch length (sbl, stem_branch_length_qsm), stem branch distance (sbd, stem_branch_distance_qsm), dbh height ratio (dhr, dbh_height_ratio_qsm), dbh volume ratio (dvr, dbh_volume_ratio_qsm), volume below 55 (vb55, volume_below_55_qsm), cylinder length volume ratio (clvr, cylinder_length_volume_ratio_qsm), shedding ratio (sr, shedding_ratio_qsm), branch angle ratio (bar, branch_angle_ratio_qsm), relative volume ratio (rvr, relative_volume_ratio_qsm), crown start height (csh, crown_start_height_qsm), crown height (ch, crown_height_qsm), crown evenness (ce, crown_evenness_qsm), crown diameter height ratio (cdhr, crown_diameterheight_ratio_qsm), dbh minimum radius ratio (dmr, dbh_minradius_ratio_qsm).


Terryn, L., Calders, K., Disney, M., Origo, N., Malhi, Y., Newnham, G., ... & Verbeeck, H. (2020). Tree species classification using structural features derived from terrestrial laser scanning. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 168, 170-181.


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# Calculate the summary with default parameters and export to csv
# recommended for non-buttressed trees
summary <- summary_qsm_metrics(
  QSMs_path = "path/to/folder/QSMs/",
  OUT_path = "path/to/out/folder/"
# also using point cloud info
summary <- summary_qsm_metrics(
  QSMs_path = "path/to/folder/QSMs/",
  PCs_path = "path/to/folder/PCs/",
  extension = ".txt",
  OUT_path = "path/to/out/folder/"
# Calculate the summary with non-default parameter values
# recommended for buttressed trees
summary <- summary_qsm_metrics(
  QSMs_path = "path/to/folder/QSMs/",
  PCs_path = "path/to/folder/PCs/",
  extension = ".txt", buttress = TRUE,
  OUT_path = "path/to/out/folder/"
} # }