Extracts the total tree volume from the treedata of a TreeQSM.
- treedata
Treedata field of a TreeQSM that is returned by
.- cylinder
Cylinder field of a TreeQSM that is returned by
, (default = NA - you do not need cylinder when cylindercutoff == 0).- cylindercutoff
This is the cutoff radius in meters for which cylinders are to be included in the volume calculation.Default of 0 includes all cylinders.
The total volume of the TreeQSM in liters. If the trunk was modeled with triangulation the total volume is the sum of the triangulated volume of the stem (bottom), the volume of the stem cylinder (top) and the volume of the branch cylinders.
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# Read tree qsm and extract tree volume
qsm <- read_tree_qsm(QSM_path = "path/to/qsm.mat")
tot_vol <- tree_volume_qsm(treedata = qsm$treedata)
# Only include cylinders larger than 2.5 cm in radius
tot_vol <- tree_volume_qsm(treedata = qsm$treedata, cylinder = qsm$cylinder,
cylindercutoff = 0.25)
} # }